Your donation helps a
community member looking
for a place to call home

We build hope for families, our community, and future generations. In creative partnership with people in need and the Nantucket community, we build and renovate homes for ownership. We make a positive difference in our world by creating opportunities for volunteers and family members to work together to secure our shared future.
Habitat for Humanity Nantucket has an open-door policy: All who believe that everyone needs a decent, affordable place to live are welcome to help with the work, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, political views or any of the other distinctions that too often divide people. In short, Habitat welcomes volunteers and supporters from all backgrounds and also serves people in need of decent housing regardless of race or religion. As a matter of policy, Habitat for Humanity International and its affiliated organizations do not proselytize. This means that Habitat will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must either adhere to or convert to a particular faith, or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.
Habitat for Humanity Nantucket seeks to make decent, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action for all people, and work to provide the opportunity of affordable homeownership to families living in situations of critical housing need, both locally and worldwide, through construction, advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions.
Partnership is key to our work. Each home is built by community volunteers and the sweat equity of the future owner. We rely on our community for donations of cash, land, materials and professional services.
Founded in 2001 as a recognized affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International by concerned members of the Congregational Church on Nantucket as a recognized affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, we have built six homes for Nantucket working families to date. Every new home is deed restricted to be affordable, upon any future resale, in perpetuity.
Habitat for Humanity of Nantucket is a 501 (c) 3 non profit organization.